Sugar’s Not-So-Sweet History – How Food Makes Us Feel
December 2021
In this video, Jennifer explains sugar’s not-so-sweet origins. If you are prone to feeling bouts of depression, Bounce Back Generation encourages you to consider your sugar intake.
Sugar’s Not-So-Sweet History – How Food Makes Us Feel | Bounce Back Generation
6 Building Blocks for Resilience mini-poster
This one pager by Bounce Back Generations describes the 6 building blocks for resilience: protection, relationship, coping skills, can-do, belonging and storytelling.
Trauma-informed Care, Raising Consciousness Training
July 2021
This resource by Community Well helps to understand trauma, how it affects the brain/body, and ways to heal it, which are all essential in promoting and having healthy relationships, a functional workforce and a community that cares.
Our Health, Our Community Health Library
SOMCAN’s “Our Health, Our Community/Kalusugan ng Bayan” program developed an online health library to compile health videos, cooking demo recordings, health webinars and other resources funded under the SF Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax (SDDT) Grant Program. The library’s purpose is to not only educate the community about health education from different health aspects, but also highlight all of our community partners who made our programming happen!
Our Health, Our Community (Kalusugan ng Bayan) Needs Assessment Report: A Closer Look at Chronic Disease among Filipinos in San Francisco
July 2020
SOMCAN developed a community health assessment report and infographic (available in English & Filipino) to illustrate how chronic diseases affect the lives of Filipinos in San Francisco (SF) and focused on 3 neighborhoods: South of Market, Tenderloin, and Excelsior. The purpose of this report is to better understand the Filipino community’s behaviors, perceptions, attitudes, knowledge, and other built environmental factors that increase and lower their risk for chronic diseases.
Report: Somcam Campaigns
Our health, Our Community Infographic: Our Health, Our Community
Policy, Systems, Environments (PSE) 101 Training
October 2023
Participants will: increase understanding of Policies, Systems, and Environmental Changes; identify examples of policies, systems, and environmental changes that lead to increased access to and utilization of healthy food and active lifestyles; understand how community engagement plays a critical role in successful PSE work; and learn resources and best practices to successfully implement PSE.
Sugar & Decoloniality Series
May – September 2023
The Shape Up SF Coalition and SFDPH Healthy Eating Active Living Team co-hosted an experiential journey to explore sugar & decoloniality with Dr. Amber McZeal. This 4-part series delved deeper into why decolonizing sugar matters and how we may undo the impacts of coloniality on our communities experiencing the greatest health disparities.
SFHSA Public Benefits 101 Training
February 2023
Presentation about public benefits available to San Francisco residents including financial assistance (CAAP), nutrition (CalFresh, WIC), health care coverage (Medi-Cal) and employment services (CalWORKS).
The Addback Process
June 2022
Farming Hope shares their lessons learned advocating for addback dollars to support emergency food preparation and distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Survey Analysis 101 Training
March 2022
Participants will: recall survey best practices; identify common statistics used in quantitative data analysis; differentiate between common data visualizations; practice analyzing a small sample data set and determine appropriate visuals to depict the data.
Focus Group Data Analysis Training
March 2022
Participants will: identify key themes from focus group data; distinguish themes unique to subpopulations within their dataset; practice analyzing focus group notes.
Survey Administration Training
January 2022
Participants will: increase understanding of benefits and purpose of surveys; increase confidence in administering surveys.
Focus Group Facilitation Training
January 2022
Participants will: increase understanding of benefits and purpose of focus groups; increase confidence in facilitating focus groups.
FY 2024 – 2025 Soda Tax Funded Entities
Download a list of FY 2024 -2025 Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax (SDDT) AKA Soda Tax Funded Entities.
Past Soda Tax Funded Entities (2019 – 2024)
Download a list of past Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax (SDDT) AKA Soda Tax Funded Entities. Includes programs funded from 2019 – 2024.
Sugary Drinks Are Making Us Sick Handouts
Download an educational handout on the harms of sugary drinks. Ready to print file 5.5″ x 8.5″. Available in Chinese, English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
SDDT Evaluation Highlights 2019 – 2023
Download an infographic developed by Raimi + Associates of SDDT evaluation highlights from 2019 – 2023.
“Be Sugar Savvy” Presentation Guide
Download the “Be Sugar Savvy” Presentation Guide, a sugary drinks education curriculum originally developed and piloted by Alameda County Public Health Department.
“Open Truth” Presentation Guide
Download the “Open Truth” Presentation Guide, Parts 1 and 2. This sugary drinks education curriculum was developed my SF Department of Public Health Community Health Equity & Promotion Branch’s Healthy Eating Active Living Team.
How It Works
Download this infographic to learn more about how the soda tax is collected and how the funds end up supporting the community.
SF’s Soda Tax Supports…
Download and print your own posters that illustrate how SF’s penny-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks is helping San Franciscans live their best lives by making it easier to drink more water, eat fruits and vegetables, get exercise, improve oral health, and drink less soda.