Some men playing basketball

Community Building

Community Building

Similar to Workforce Development, community building is a valued benefit, or additional bottom line, of the soda tax work. Bringing community members together (virtually or in person) is critical to a healthy, vibrant and thriving community – something that the COVID-19 epidemic highlighted. And settings where physical activity and healthy food are the norm help create a new normal: a culture of health. In an era when instant gratification is the norm (which highly processed food and drinks feed into) bringing people together to cook, eat and play together can take us back to what really counts: a connected community.

Some men playing basketball in the GYM

Peace Parks

Peace Parks promotes community wellness and violence prevention in underserved neighborhoods in District 10.  It offers a safe space for residents of all ages, with a focus on youth ages 16 to 25, where they can engage in healthy recreational activities, while building relationships with their neighbors, recreation staff and police officers.

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Funded Organizations